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Zelenskyy includes operation in Kursk region in his victory plan

Zelenskyy includes operation in Kursk region in his victory plan President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Maria Kholina

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s victory plan, which he will present to US President Joe Biden, involves continuing the Ukrainian Armed Forces' operations in Russia’s Kursk region and securing modern weaponry from the West, citing The Times.

The plan includes security guarantees for Ukraine from Western nations, similar to the mutual defense pact within NATO, as well as international financial assistance for the Ukrainian economy.

Zelenskyy is set to attend the United Nations General Assembly in New York before heading to Washington, where he will unveil his victory plan aimed at compelling Russia to begin negotiations with Ukraine, The Times writes.

The report adds that Zelenskyy will seek security guarantees to prevent Ukraine from being forced into an unfavorable peace deal by a future Trump administration.

Zelenskyy said that the plan requires swift backing from President Biden and other Western leaders so that Ukraine can enter negotiations from a position of strength by the end of the year. "I think this is a historical mission," Zelenskyy said. "Let’s do all this today, while all the officials who want the victory of Ukraine are in official positions."

In addition to Biden, Zelenskyy plans to present his plan to US presidential candidates, including Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris and Republican Donald Trump.

Zelenskyy will meet President Joe Biden this week on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, where he will present his victory plan. The plan calls for swift decisions to be made between October and December.

For more details on Zelenskyy’s trip, see the RBC-Ukraine report "Negotiations on victory plan and more: Why Zelenskyy goes to US and who he will meet with."