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Zelenskyy holds meeting of Staff of Supreme Commander-in-Chief: Details

Zelenskyy holds meeting of Staff of Supreme Commander-in-Chief: Details Photo: President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a meeting of the Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief on September 30. The meeting focused on the staffing of brigades, according to Zelenskyy.

According to Zelenskyy, two key issues were discussed: the staffing of brigades, and weapons and equipment for Ukrainian soldiers, including procurement and supply.

"Today, we also had a separate discussion with the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Umerov regarding the execution of contracts and how institutions within the Ministry of Defense are functioning. All real reform steps must be fully implemented," Zelenskyy said.

The President also had a detailed and lengthy conversation with Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi and the Chief of the General Staff, Anatolii Barhylevych, lasting more than two and a half hours.

"Reports on each of our front-line directions, our further capabilities, and specific tasks. The situation is very difficult. The main thing is to pressure Russia by all means and tools to achieve our goal as quickly as possible - a real and just peace for Ukraine and all our people," Zelenskyy emphasized.

Frontline situation

The Russian army continues its offensive in the Pokrovsk direction, where the situation remains challenging as Russian forces consistently strike the town.

Additionally, Russian forces are making ongoing attempts to capture Vuhledar. Recently, it was reported that Russia has deployed up to 5,000 soldiers to Vuhledar.