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Zelenskyy: Every commander must remember that people are not expendable

Zelenskyy: Every commander must remember that people are not expendable Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (photo: Getty Images)

Ukraine has one fundamental difference from Russia. Ukrainians are trying to save as many lives as possible, states Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

“Protecting the state is definitely a two-way street. And those who defend the state must know and feel that the state defends them. This is the difference between us and the enemy,” the President said.

He emphasized that Russia neglects its people and does not fight for their survival. Instead, Ukraine, according to Zelenskyy, must do everything to protect life, especially the lives and health of its soldiers.

“Our army has proved its modernity and strength, which are capable of establishing the desired peace in Ukraine,” the head of state said.

The President explained that when Ukraine talks about the need for weapons, we must not forget that support and protection of Ukrainian soldiers is also a weapon.

“Every commander must remember: people are not expendable. Their strength, their knowledge, their skills are an important value for our state,” Zelenskyy emphasized.

Today, July 27, Zelenskyy instructed to improve the rehabilitation of wounded and captured soldiers. The head of state made the statement at the first annual International Congress on Military Medicine and Mental Health.

The president also said that Ukrainian doctors will be granted officer ranks even if they have not graduated from a military department.