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Zelenskyy discusses situation on battlefield and Victory Plan with members of US Congress

Zelenskyy discusses situation on battlefield and Victory Plan with members of US Congress Zelenskyy's meeting with US congressmen (photo:

At the United Nations General Assembly, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with a bipartisan delegation from the US Congress. The parties discussed the situation on the front lines and Ukraine's Victory Plan, according to the website of the Office of the President of Ukraine.

It was noted that the meeting included Senate members Ben Cardin, Dan Sullivan, Christopher Murphy, and Representative Gregory Meeks.

"We are grateful to both parties and both chambers of the US Congress, as well as to President Biden, for the support. And, of course, we are here to thank your people," Zelenskyy said.

According to the Office of the President, Zelenskyy provided a detailed overview of the situation on the front lines, the ongoing operation in the Kharkiv region, the needs of Ukrainian soldiers, and the importance of timely delivery of defense packages.

Additionally, special attention was given to the Victory Plan, which Zelenskyy is set to present to President Joe Biden, the US Congress, and the two presidential candidates - Kamala Harris and Donald Trump - later this week.

"This is a very specific plan on how to strengthen Ukraine without any decisions or pressure from Russia. This plan does not depend on any decisions made by Putin," the President added.

In his Telegram channel, Zelenskyy emphasized that decisive actions now could accelerate a just end to Russian aggression against Ukraine by next year.

The President stated that the Victory Plan would help practically force Russia to peace.

The meeting also discussed the prospects for implementing reconstruction projects. The Office of the President reported that ahead of winter, one of the key focuses is strengthening Ukraine's energy system.

Furthermore, Zelenskyy stressed the importance of ramping up sanctions against Russia.