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Zelenskyy arrives in Switzerland to participate in Peace Summit

Zelenskyy arrives in Switzerland to participate in Peace Summit Photo: Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine (

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has arrived in Switzerland, where the Peace Summit will take place over the next few days. Approximately a hundred countries and international organizations will participate in the session, according to the Telegram channel of the head of the state.

"Arrived in Switzerland for the Global Peace Summit. Ahead are two days of intensive work with countries from all corners of the world, with different nations united by a common goal - to bring a fair and lasting peace to Ukraine," the President wrote.

According to Zelenskyy, the Peace Summit will allow concrete steps to be taken in:

  • nuclear and food security;
  • the return of prisoners of war and all individuals deported by Russia, including children.

Overall, about 100 countries and international organizations will participate in the session.

"As a responsible global majority, together we must make every effort to end wars, aggression, and colonial occupation and prevent their recurrence. I am confident that people all over the world want a just peace and respect for every nation," he added.

Zelenskyy noted that during the Peace Summit, each country and organization will have the opportunity to demonstrate its leadership in achieving common goals, which will help bring peace closer and restore the full force of the United Nations Charter.

Peace Summit

From June 15th to 16th, a Peace Summit on the full-scale war in Ukraine will take place in Switzerland. Participants of the meeting will discuss the Ukrainian peace formula, which, in turn, should bring an end to the war on fair terms.

The Russian Federation was not invited to the Summit; however, it may be allowed to participate in subsequent meetings. Additionally, China will not be represented at the meeting as their demand was for "equal participation" of all sides in the war. According to Reuters, Beijing is meanwhile trying to promote its own so-called peace plan for Ukraine.

For more details on what results Ukraine expects from the Summit, read the article Mediocre success: Ukraine's expectations for Peace Summit.