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World order in danger: Scholz declares an increase in defense investments

World order in danger: Scholz declares an increase in defense investments Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz (photo: GettyImages)

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz aims to increase investments in the Armed Forces over the next decade and strengthen the military, according to Tagesschau.

At a Bundeswehr conference, the German Chancellor announced that as early as next year, Germany will achieve the NATO-agreed target of allocating no less than 2% of the GDP to the defense budget.

"The global political situation, marked by Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine and terrorist attacks by the Hamas organization on Israel, shows that the world order is in danger," stated Scholz.

According to the head of the federal government, by the end of 2023, two-thirds of the previously allocated €100 billion for the Bundeswehr will be tied to defense contracts.

He also assured the military leadership of the Bundeswehr that in the long term, the Bundestag will invest more in defense.

Aid to Ukraine from Germany

Germany has become one of the countries providing assistance to Ukraine, offering military, political, and financial support. Berlin has supplied various types of military equipment, including artillery, older and newer modifications of Leopard tanks, air defense systems IRIS-T and Patriot, ammunition, vehicles, drones, and other weaponry.

Earlier, the German government announced allocating 200 million euros to Ukraine. The funds will be directed towards the country's reconstruction.

Additionally, Germany recently provided Ukraine with a new package of military aid, which includes components for IRIS-T air defense systems, armored vehicles, and various drones.