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Withdrawal from Krokhmalne is no problematic situation - Ukrainian military

Withdrawal from Krokhmalne is no problematic situation - Ukrainian military Ukrainian military about withdrawal from Krokhmalne (photo:

The withdrawal from Krokhmalne is not a problematic situation. The Ukrainian military has moved to more favorable positions, stated the Head of the Press Service of the 15th Border Guard Detachment of the "Steel Frontier" Brigade Ivan Shevtsov.

"I will say briefly about Krokhmalne. By now it could no longer be considered a settlement. There are practically no habitable buildings there and never were. The population did not live there either. It was an ordinary defensive point that had been held for a long time," explained Shevtsov.

He noted that the Defense Forces value the lives of servicemen the most.

"That's why we moved to more favorable positions. As for Krokhmalne, it is not a problematic situation," emphasized the press service chief.


The Institute for the Study of War reported that the Russian military had taken up positions in Krokhmalne.

After that, Volodymyr Fitio, head of the public relations service of the Land Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said that Ukraine's main goal was to save the lives of Ukrainian defenders.

"Their positions have been moved to the reserve positions prepared for this time, where they are now holding the line," he emphasized.