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Why people struggle with changing their diet? Nutritionist names unexpected reason

Why people struggle with changing their diet? Nutritionist names unexpected reason Nutritionist explains why it is difficult for people to change their diet (photo: RBC-Ukraine)

Changing eating habits is not only a matter of willpower but also a complex process involving psychology and habits, states Ukrainian nutritionist and health coach Kateryna Krupkina. What factors usually prevent people from switching to a healthy diet?

Why it's hard to change your diet

According to the expert, people usually start changing everything at once. However, the human brain is built in such a way that "we are not capable of willpower when the prefrontal cortex is constantly making decisions and giving us the effort to move."

If a person wants to change something forever, it has to be done gradually and imperceptibly for the brain. That's because everything new requires effort, and we live our lives mostly on automatic, that is, because we are used to something.

"Go to work this way, brush your teeth this way, eat this way. And when we start making some adjustments, the brain is like this: "Why? I'm going to spend a lot of energy now," the nutritionist explained.

"So you need to take one small thing and start implementing it in your life. And so in small steps, not in a month, as everyone wants, but in a year, two, or three, to change your eating behavior and nutrition.

Where to start

It all depends on how a person eats. For example, you can start adding a full breakfast instead of drinking coffee with milk on an empty stomach.

You can also start with vegetables and start adding them to every meal and focus on that.

In addition, it is worth practicing eating slowly, not in a hurry, as everyone is used to doing.

"And until I learn, I don't move on to the next habit. Maybe learn how to go to bed earlier, depending on what a person needs and one thing or another. And when they realize that they don't have to put in any effort, they automatically put in those vegetables. So the habit is in place, and I move on to the next one. And this is a very long way," Krupkina explained.

People often try to have a full breakfast and lunch, eat vegetables and porridge, go to bed on time, exercise, and participate in sports. And then they fail and say to themselves: "Oh, no, this healthy lifestyle doesn't suit me."

This happens because everyone takes on too much at once.

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