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Why not all participants of peace summit supported joint communiqué: Ukrainian Presidential Office explains

Why not all participants of peace summit supported joint communiqué: Ukrainian Presidential Office explains Why not all participants of peace summit supported joint communiqué (photo: Presidential Office)

Several countries that attended the peace summit in Switzerland did not support the joint final communiqué. The reasons for this could be different, states the Deputy Head of the Presidential Office, Ihor Zhovkva.

"Each country has different reasons. In some countries, this (support for the communiqué - ed.) requires appropriate procedures. In one country, it requires a parliamentary decision. In some countries, there were representatives of such a level who could not make such a decision, such as foreign ministers. Upon their return, they must appeal to the leadership of their countries," the OP representative explained.

At the same time, Zhovkva reminded that the final communiqué is open. This means that any country can support it, even if it did not participate in the peace summit.

Peace summit in Switzerland

On Sunday, June 16, the two-day inaugural Peace Summit ended in Switzerland. Following the summit, a joint communiqué was published, which was supported by the vast majority of the summit participants.

Among those who did not support the communiqué were Saudi Arabia, Thailand, India, Mexico, South Africa, Brazil, and the United Arab Emirates.

To read the text of the peace summit communiqué, follow the link.

RBC-Ukraine has also collected all the main statements made at the Peace Summit in Switzerland.