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Which juice improves skin, boosts immunity, and restores body

Which juice improves skin, boosts immunity, and restores body Why orange juice is good for health (photo: Freepik)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Orange juice is one of the most popular beverages. It has a pleasant citrus flavor and is available fresh all year round. This drink is also beneficial for the body, according to Real Simple.

Why is orange juice beneficial

Orange juice is a healthy drink as it contains several important micronutrients. It is an excellent source of vitamin C and also provides a significant amount of potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B6.

Supports immune health

The high vitamin C content in orange juice can support the immune system as a powerful antioxidant, even helping to prevent cancer.

Plant compounds found in orange juice, such as flavonoids, carotenoids, and ascorbic acid, also have antioxidant properties that help reduce inflammation and protect free radical molecules.

Heart health benefits

The antioxidant benefits of vitamin C are good for heart health. Additionally, the magnesium and potassium in orange juice are electrolytes that support healthy heart rhythm and function.

Potassium plays a role in several bodily functions, including fluid and electrolyte balance and blood pressure regulation.

Enhances skin health

Vitamin C is not only beneficial for immunity and heart health but also improves skin health from within. It is essential for collagen production.

This is because vitamin C helps convert the amino acid proline into hydroxyproline, one of the essential amino acids needed for collagen production. Collagen is a protein that predominates in the skin, providing structure and elasticity while reducing the appearance of fine lines and dullness.

Restores the body

Folate and vitamin B6 are vital for healthy growth and recovery throughout life.

Folate is especially important for creating new cells, synthesizing and repairing DNA, and preventing neural tube defects during pregnancy.

May prevent kidney stones

Consuming orange juice can help prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Orange juice increases urine pH and citrate levels, which may protect against these stones.

Freshly squeezed vs. store-bought orange juice

Store-bought juice is pasteurized to kill any potentially harmful bacteria and extend shelf life. Additionally, it may be fortified with calcium and vitamin D to improve bone health.

A major advantage of store-bought orange juice is the variety of options available to suit personal preferences.

However, many store-bought orange juice varieties contain added sugars, colorings, flavorings, or preservatives to enhance taste, appearance, or shelf life.

In contrast, freshly squeezed juice will contain fiber-rich pulp unless you make an effort to strain it. It is also considered natural, as it does not contain chemical additives.

Previously, a nutritionist discussed the benefits and dangers of store-bought juices and how they can be harmful to children.

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