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What Madonna eats for breakfast and what's the secret to her flawless figure

What Madonna eats for breakfast and what's the secret to her flawless figure Photo: What Madonna chooses for breakfast (

The Queen of Pop, Madonna, looks flawless at 66. It’s all thanks to proper nutrition and workouts that truly work.

Find out what the star eats for breakfast and the secret to her perfect figure in the material by RBC-Ukraine.

What Madonna eats

In her youth, Madonna was a bit chubby and doesn’t deny that she tended to gain weight. However, thanks to incredible willpower and persistence, she managed to keep her weight under control.

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The singer has incredible willpower (Photo:

For many years, the singer has maintained an impeccable physical shape. As is known, Madonna follows a macrobiotic diet, and she never eats:

  • meat,
  • sausages,
  • bread,
  • dairy,
  • sweets,
  • fried foods.

Madonna also includes beans, nuts, fish, and seeds in her diet.

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Madonna follows a macrobiotic diet (Photo:

As is known, the benefits of these foods lie in their richness in vitamins and micronutrients. They are high in fiber, vitamin E, B vitamins, iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, antioxidants, unsaturated fatty acids, carbohydrates, protein, phytochemicals, and water.

Her physical workouts are guided by a personal trainer, who develops new exercises daily to avoid monotony and provide a constant challenge for her body. Madonna particularly enjoys yoga, dance fitness, and Pilates, complementing them with cardio and strength training.

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Madonna looks flawless at 66 (Photo:

The main secret of Madonna's workouts is group sessions. She invites friends and loved ones to energize and fill her training with positive emotions. In such an atmosphere, she believes the workouts become more effective and enjoyable, and gym time passes faster.

What Madonna eats for breakfast

The celebrity starts her morning with a glass of fresh juice, preferring watermelon juice in the summer. For breakfast, Madonna enjoys steamed brown rice with eggs, berries, and oatmeal.

Madonna's daily routine

Madonna recommends sticking to a daily routine no matter the circumstances. All your activities, whether entertainment, workouts, rest, or work, should have a designated time. It’s important to try not to disrupt the schedule, as this helps your body get used to the routine and keeps you in shape.

Sources: HelloMagazine, DailyMail, and Madonna's Instagram.