What destroys tooth enamel most: Dentist's insight

Products that destroy tooth enamel - do they really exist or is it just a myth that many still believe? In an interview with RBC-Ukraine, a practicing dentist specializing in therapeutic, orthopedic, and aesthetic dentistry Yan Stremskyi answers this question.
Dentist says what destroys tooth enamel the most
Our tooth enamel needs care and attention, since brushing alone is not enough, for teeth and enamel to be strong, they should avoid certain factors.
There is an opinion that there is a list of certain products that can destroy tooth enamel. Everyone has heard not to drink cold or hot, so as not to spoil the tooth enamel. Even in advertisements, we could hear such phrases. But are there products that destroy enamel and harm the condition of our teeth?
"To be honest, there are no specific products that destroy enamel. But, if we go back to the question of the occurrence of caries, we will notice that carbohydrates are needed for the activation of pathogenic bacteria," says Yang.
What destroys tooth enamel (photo: Freepik)
Therefore, we are all used to the fact that candies, sweet drinks, and chewing gum have a negative effect on the teeth. Many have heard that soft drinks, coffee, temperature differences, and alcohol destroy your teeth. And maybe are right.
But believe me, the regenerative abilities of our body are simply incredible, but good hygiene is necessary to maintain them.
So, trusting the dentist's words, there are no specific products in nature that can destroy tooth enamel, but other factors affect this and they are more serious and important.
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