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West will need two years to produce enough ammunition for Ukraine

West will need two years to produce enough ammunition for Ukraine Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Western defense companies will reportedly require two years to produce a sufficient quantity of ammunition for Ukraine, according to The Financial Times.

The Western countries are compelled to increase deliveries to Ukraine simultaneously with the expansion of their own defense arsenals.

"Arms manufacturers live with a fundamental dilemma: in peacetime, when they need a steady stream of contracts, politicians have little incentive to spend on weapons. Yet during times of instability, defence spending steps up — which results in full order books but long delays because the companies lack enough skilled workers to fill the supply chain," the FT writes.

Emphasized is the fact that delays are particularly painful for those on the front lines. A high-ranking official stated to the publication that Western defense companies will need two years to produce an adequate quantity of ammunition, ensuring Ukrainian soldiers are equipped as well as the occupiers.

Ammunition for Ukraine

In March of last year, EU defense and foreign affairs ministers agreed on a plan for joint procurement of ammunition for Ukraine, providing the Armed Forces with 1 million projectiles over the next 12 months.

However, by November 2023, the EU informed members that it was unlikely to deliver the promised 1 million artillery shells to Ukraine. This plan is expected to be executed by March 2024.

Later, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Kyiv still expects to receive a full package of artillery projectiles and urged EU leaders to address the matter.