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West African juntas complain to UN about Ukraine's support for rebels

West African juntas complain to UN about Ukraine's support for rebels UN Security Council (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Military juntas from Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger have addressed a letter to the UN Security Council condemning Ukraine's alleged support for insurgent groups in the Sahel region of West Africa, citing the Sahel States Alliance.

The foreign ministers of Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso urged the Security Council to take responsibility for Ukraine's actions and to prevent subversive actions that threaten regional and continental stability.

Diplomats reported that the letter was distributed among the 15 members of the Security Council.

Хунти країн Західної Африки поскаржилися в ООН на підтримку Україною повстанців

The Sahel States Alliance was established by Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger following recent coups.

Defeat of Wagner group in Mali and Junta reaction

In late July, Tuareg rebels claimed they had killed at least 84 Wagner Group mercenaries and 47 Malian soldiers after several days of intense fighting. This represents the largest defeat of the Russian terrorist group since its intervention two years ago to assist Mali’s junta in combating liberation movements.

Mali severed diplomatic relations with Ukraine in early August following comments from a Ukrainian military intelligence representative about the fighting in northern Mali. He claimed that the Malian rebels had received the necessary information for their July attack.

The military government of Niger followed suit a few days later in solidarity with its neighbor. Mali and Niger have accused Ukraine of supporting international terrorism.

Ukraine has repeatedly denied the accusations as baseless and false. The Tuareg rebel alliance has also said that it has received no Ukrainian support.