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Weekly tarot horoscope: What's in store for your sign

Weekly tarot horoscope: What's in store for your sign Weekly tarot horoscope: What's in store for your sign (photo:

The tarot horoscope for the week (from March 18 to 26) has prepared quite a few changes. Representatives of some Zodiac signs will be lucky; they can start everything from scratch. And others should prepare for problems.

What does the Tarot horoscope promise for all Zodiac signs, according to Hindustan Times.


The new week will be full of joy and luck for you. Your desire for change will lead to the results you have long dreamed of. At work, you will have a busy but very productive period.

New acquaintances and relationships are possible in the romantic sphere. Take the initiative in resolving differences. Don't expect instant problem resolution; work on them, and don't be lazy.


You should show patience. Do not rush events and wait for the right moment; a great opportunity will soon present itself. All lucky coincidences will lift your spirits.

This week, think about what you want to change. Give up bad habits, try something new and useful, and remember to spend time with family and have more family gatherings.


Your perseverance will be the key to success. Hard work will be rewarded with praise and finances that meet your expectations. You can buy desired things; don't deny yourself this.

Also, restore connections and start reconciliation with those you value. Differences should not lead to a breakup of relationships. Dedicate time to finding compromises; otherwise, problems will overwhelm you.


You will enjoy peace. Sometimes, it's worth going with the flow and just relaxing. This week will give you just such an opportunity. Give up important negotiations, and don't try to do everything simultaneously.

If you plan a trip, now is the best time for a new adventure. But be careful with questions about significant financial investments.


Be focused and prepared to use your Plan B. Unexpected circumstances may arise, forcing you to make important decisions on the fly.

Try not to trust scammers. Listen to the advice of friends and loved ones, and also trust your intuition. However, in love, you will be lucky; expect pleasant surprises.


Minor problems this week are unlikely to lead to major negative consequences. Soon, everything will be resolved, and you can organize an important event.

Perhaps you will have pleasant worries related to rapid family replenishment. For single Virgos, focus on work and try not to make mistakes; something important will be entrusted to you.


You will experience a surge of positive energy. You will catch stars from the sky and meet fascinating people. Of course, to meet a new person, you should leave your home and find company.

In your career, an unexpected turn is possible. If you believe in your strengths, you will get a promotion. If you give up, prepare for arguments with colleagues and disagreements with management.


Expect good news; this week will bring them to you. Tune in only to the positive and get rid of bad thoughts. Don't drown in the flow of memories and regrets; it hinders your progress.

You will enjoy romantic adventures, pleasant conversations, and care. Probably, friendship with someone you like may turn into a serious relationship.


This week, you will need patience and diplomacy. Conflicts with colleagues at work are possible, but you will be able to overcome them. The most important thing is to rely on facts and arguments, not lie, and stick to your beliefs if you are sure you are right.

Avoid changes and adventures. Postpone important matters, as there is a chance of failure. And if you manage to wait out the storm, it won't touch you.


You will have a week of new opportunities and achievements. At work, success will cover you head over heels, you will finally be able to realize your ideas. Besides, you will have a clear plan; someone will help you with wise advice.

Remember your dreams and think about why they haven't come true. Perhaps it's time to make an effort or change direction. Make a list of new goals.


You will need focus and perseverance. You will have many tasks at work, but you can complete them if you don't get distracted by trifles.

Give up impulsive actions, this applies to purchases as well. It's not worth arguing with your loved one; searching for the truth will only lead to scandals. Try to keep yourself in check.


You will have a period of relaxation. Everything will be calm at work, and you can spend time on yourself and your interests. Do what you've been dreaming of.

In relationships with your significant other, problems are possible. Don't check the strength of feelings if you suspect something - ask directly. Intrigues will not help you.

We previously reported that the Spring Equinox prepares a special surprise for five Zodiac signs.

Also, it recently became known that three Zodiac signs will start a "white" streak.