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Wednesday's astrological forecast: Tips and warnings for July 17

Wednesday's astrological forecast: Tips and warnings for July 17 How to attract good luck on July 17 (illustration:

Astrologer Kateryna Soloviova shared what Wednesday, July 17, has in store for everyone. This is the day of Mercury, the planet of communication, gadgets, transportation, travel, documentation, trade, and learning. Soloviova prepared an astrological forecast for July 17 and explained what is forbidden to do on this day and what, on the contrary, is recommended.

What not to do on Wednesday

"July 17 marks the beginning of Shayani (Padma) Ekadashi: a fasting day that, according to Vedic tradition, falls on the eleventh day of the waxing moon. In the month of Ashadha according to the Hindu calendar (June-July in the Gregorian calendar)," said the astrologer.

"It is believed that if people follow all the recommendations of this day, they can earn a happy and peaceful life in abundance, achieve their desires, and remove all obstacles on the path to perfection," she added.

Soloviova advises staying away from anything that brings negativity. Refrain from expressing bad emotions until 18:04 —quarrels will be serious, and reconciliation will not be possible.

Also, avoid:

  • unnecessary talk, gossip, and misinformation
  • house cleaning and laundry.

Keep an eye on your belongings to avoid losing them. Deception and fraud are possible.

Astro weather for Wednesday: What to do

Today is one of the most favorable days in July for new endeavors and important decisions, surgical and dental interventions, and visiting the hairdresser, the astrologer said.

Until 18:04, focus on the energy of love, purifying thoughts, and wisdom over mind and emotions. This period, according to Soloviova, will be a good time for solitude, indulgence, altruism, summing up, and clearing negative thoughts.

Main rules of the day:

  • spend time with family
  • take care of your body
  • hold negotiations and important business trips
  • buy new gadgets
  • take exams
  • reconcile with neighbors
  • don’t forget about intellectual leisure.

"To enhance Mercury’s energy, try using beeswax and products made from it (cosmetics based on it, products, etc.) or simply light candles made from it. Consume hard cheeses," Soloviova advises.

Astrological forecast for July 17: Key points

"Until 12:01 PM (Kyiv time) on July 17, Venus, the planet of harmony, beauty, finances, creativity, art, skill, talent, and partnership, will be in the royal degree of Leo," explained the astrologer.

"Planets and luminaries that enter this zone of powerful positive energy of royal degrees can significantly influence people. This influence allows for the full realization of given opportunities," she added.

These degrees create factors of luck and success. They can endow us with optimism, miracles, and joy.

Main characteristics of this degree in Leo:

  • wisdom
  • exclusivity
  • courage
  • humanity
  • physical and moral strength.

"It adds a creative component, so those engaged in the arts or connected with public performances will be aided by success and incredible luck. The degree gives impressiveness, grandeur, and royal serenity," said Soloviova.

"It is necessary to internally generate and maintain states of happiness, joy, satisfaction, and generosity to realize all the positive possibilities of such a position," Soloviova concluded.

In addition, we recently discussed which zodiac signs are perfect matches for each other.