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'We need to survive and win': Key points from Zelenskyy's interview on victory plan

'We need to survive and win': Key points from Zelenskyy's interview on victory plan Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach/RBC-Ukraine)

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy gave an extensive interview on Ukraine's victory plan. He also addressed topics such as economic exemptions, mobilization starting from age 18, and what victory could look like.

Here are the key statements from RBC-Ukraine.

How the West is reacting to Ukraine's victory plan

The Ukrainian team has been working with the US on issues related to the invitation to NATO and strengthening the army right now. "Regarding feedback, I am waiting for the White House team in Ukraine. They will be here soon with some responses," said the president.

According to him, part of the plan is to receive a military aid package of $500 to $750 million every 2-3 weeks. This is necessary to strengthen Ukraine as much as possible during the October-December period, for which the victory plan is calculated.

France is showing leadership on the issue of training Ukrainian troops. In particular, one brigade is currently undergoing training and being equipped with military hardware. "By the end of November, the brigade will be in Ukraine. France is ahead of other countries in this regard," he noted, adding that President Emmanuel Macron, in his opinion, will work with partners on the issue of inviting Ukraine to NATO.

Regarding the issue of deterring Russia and long-range missiles, neither the US, the UK, France, Germany, or Italy want to take risks on their own. Zelenskyy believes this is because Western leaders are not ready to completely close the door on Russia.

"For Germany, the issue of long-range weapons is the most painful. We have talked a lot about Ukraine's future in NATO. The German position is very important because there is still skepticism among the Germans. It seems to me that we are closer to NATO with the US than we have ever been. I think we are much closer," he added.

Will the plan be adjusted

Zelenskyy stated that he is open to other proposals. "For example, yesterday 18 countries came forward with their thoughts during our dialogue. And if they talk about strengthening Ukraine, how can we be against it?" he said.

Aspects of the sanctions policy against Russia may be refined. According to him, everyone in the West understands that the current sanctions are not fully effective. They are impactful, but not enough to force Russia to cut defense spending. Western policies do not affect Russia's GDP, and Moscow, with the help of its allies, successfully bypasses sanctions.

"I am glad that the leadership of the European Union is 100% on our side. I am glad that we have been able to build such harmony over the past few years. They understand that sanctions are working, but they need to be strengthened," the president added.

Why is the victory plan needed

The victory plan is aimed at strengthening Ukraine ahead of the second Peace Summit. It also seeks to fill the information space with necessary narratives. Otherwise, it will be entirely dominated by proposals from Russia, its allies, or other "distant countries."

Passivity could lead to Russia uniting these countries around its ideas. The victory plan is a new wave following the Kursk operation, which previously halted Moscow's information policy.

"But unfortunately, they (the Russians - ed.) are being listened to... It is very important that the wave not only be created but that it brings results. Ukraine is back on top, and people believe in it again," Zelenskyy said.

Is there an alternative to NATO membership

Currently, Western partners do not have an alternative to the first point of the victory plan. "Yes, they can talk about a frozen conflict, let’s stop now. The question is, what happens the day after tomorrow? When Putin regroups his forces, why won’t there be a full occupation of Ukraine? Or an attempt to repeat 2022? Who guarantees that? And here, no one raises their hand," he noted.

According to him, allies are not ready to provide security guarantees that are comparable to NATO's. This applies not only to military security but also to financial and economic security. "We need to be equal members of the EU. So, when we talk about security guarantees, can we be offered something that works? That’s all," said the president.

Will Ukraine have nuclear weapons

"We never intended to create any threat to the world or any nuclear weapons," Zelenskyy emphasized.

According to him, yesterday's materials in Western media were a provocation. Ukraine must be under NATO’s umbrella precisely because, in the 1990s, according to the Budapest Memorandum, it gave up its nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees that Russia had violated.

"I don’t want my words to be distorted. I want to say that Ukraine gave up everything, but we did not receive real protection. And from what is on the table today, the real option is NATO. I don’t see serious risks in the invitation," he noted, adding that NATO countries that want to keep room for dialogue with Russia might not sign the invitation.

Is there a plan B

There is no specific plan B if Ukraine does not receive an invitation to NATO. According to the president, much may change after the US presidential elections. "The situation is that the main donor to Ukraine is the US. And if their policy changes after the elections, those changes will become plan B," Zelenskyy stated.

US policy, in itself, will influence the course or end of the Russia-Ukraine war. As of now, no one can predict exactly how this will unfold. Statements could vary — some in support of Ukraine, others against it.

"They are not fighting for Ukraine in their elections, which is fair for their country. We believe that we must remain in focus because we are at war," he added.

About two new points of the victory plan

Development of Ukraine's subsoil resources. Since 2014, the Russians have seized territories with valuable minerals. Initially, there was a shortage of coal, and today the Russians are approaching other deposits.

“Our partners still buy it somewhere and invest money. Some countries had uranium developments in Africa, and Russia pushed them out. And for them, this is an opportunity. Do we want Russia to capture this part of our territory tomorrow? And for all of this to go to Russia, Iran, China, North Korea? We don’t know what Russia is negotiating with them when they receive something from them,” explained Zelenskyy.

Ukrainians in NATO forces. This point is appreciated by both American and European partners. After the war, Ukraine will have a large army, and many people will not return to their previous professions. They will be able to offer their combat experience, NATO training, and experience using Western equipment.

And they are not afraid of the Russians, which is very important. No one knows how Russia will react to crossing NATO borders. Because there has been no experience. And so our people, tens or maybe hundreds of thousands, could be there if they choose that path. Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia have a very positive attitude towards this. They fear Russia, and we understand why. They would like our military to defend their borders,” the president said.

How Ukraine can strengthen NATO

Western partners appreciate Ukraine's experience. They are studying it, and information about the effectiveness of Western weapons is available to those who supply this weaponry. "They are very satisfied, a lot of new things for them. Because there is equipment that truly justifies itself on the battlefield. And this affects the money, partners are now making the right investments in production," he emphasized.

Moreover, Ukraine will be able to meet the West's future needs for weapons. For example, Ukrainian-made drones are already among the best in the world, especially considering their price, quality, and quantity.

"They (partners) understand that they are investing in our drones, and tomorrow we will be providing these drones. Tomorrow, I mean, after the war. The Nordic countries are very interested, this is one of the most powerful partnership alliances with Ukraine. After the agreements with Biden, now the USA will invest money," Zelenskyy said.

On the indecisiveness of allies

Zelenskyy is unsure about what the partners will do next, as the countries are different and have varying attitudes toward the war. It is important not to lose the alliance in the Ramstein format, which includes over 50 countries. "This is very important support… Honestly, some countries support Ukraine just to support it. But thanks to the alliance, we have them," he said.

According to him, some countries genuinely want Ukraine to win. These are not the ones helping reluctantly, possibly because their people support our country.

"But frankly, what difference does it make to us why someone helps us?.. For their own sake, elections, societal pressure, or they really want to help. Or maybe some are waiting for Ukraine to fail. What difference does it make to us? We need to survive and win. And for that, we cannot reduce the number of these countries," the president added.

Why Putin needs the BRICS summit

According to Zelenskyy, Putin wants to propose his own formula for ending the war to the world. And if the US and Europe are not involved, he will have to work with Asian and Arab countries. Essentially, this is an attempt to organize his first "Peace Summit."

"But they cannot hold a 'Peace Summit' because they do not have the same level of support as Ukraine. They say, let’s talk at the BRICS platform. But this will be an 'informal dialogue' about how to end the war," he noted.

On frozen assets and reparations

The Russian assets frozen in the West do not replace reparations. Ukraine will demand reparations after the war, regardless.

The decision regarding the $50 billion in frozen assets is very important. "We really want Hungary not to block certain steps, and then we can get about $35 billion (the European portion). 99% of EU leaders support this," the president emphasized.

According to him, Ukraine will physically start receiving this money from next year. It can be spent on Ukrainian-made weapons and payments to people.

On negotiations with Russia

The peace plan will be ready in November after all the thematic conferences. "All the documents will be collected into one common plan, ready for any negotiations. This is our vision, under which a hundred countries will sign," Zelenskyy stated.

The peace plan will then be handed to the partners who will participate in the second Peace Summit. They are expected to pass it on to the Russians, who will also be expected to provide feedback. For various reasons, partners already have a desire to engage in direct negotiations with Russia.

"Our stance has not changed. There can be no negotiations about us without us," he said.

According to him, there are proposals from China, Brazil, and South Africa. Ukraine is ready to include those in the peace plan that aligns with the UN Charter. "A good opportunity will arise in November, at the G20 summit. We once offered everyone our formula in November in Indonesia. If this unites the world around one plan, I am 'for' it," he added.

On the potential export of drones

Zelenskyy asked the Ministry of Defence to consider models for exporting Ukrainian drones that are not purchased with state funds. "I’ve already seen a few ideas. I exclude the moment of export. It’s very dangerous. If we export to someone, and then it ends up in Russia — that’s one issue. The second point is that it should only be (exported - ed.) to the Ramstein countries because they helped us," the president noted.

According to him, Ukraine "has no right to export" to other countries that did not assist with weapons.

Will there be economic conscription

Economic conscription operates in strategic sectors. As for other sectors, ensuring fairness is not easy. "This is the task of the Ministry of Economy and the Prime Minister. The models they have shown me, I think, are not entirely fair," Zelenskyy noted.

Regarding critical infrastructure and professions essential for the army's survival, everything has already been done. The defense industry is functioning, and people there are conscripted. In general, in his opinion, profession should not be the criteria.

"I think it (economic conscription - ed.) hasn’t been introduced yet precisely because finding this balance is difficult. The military are concerned there won’t be enough forces. It seems to me that, so far, there is no balance, you can’t just wave a saber around," the president added.

Will there be conscription from 18 years old

Zelenskyy acknowledged that Western partners want to lower the conscription age in Ukraine.

"Our conscription starts at 25, and we don’t see any reason to introduce changes at the moment. I believe that today it would be dangerous. There is a tool for this. The Ministry of Defence has contracts, and there’s the possibility to enlist voluntarily even if you’re younger than 25. We need to offer special contracts, special conditions… There are no plans for conscription from 18 years old at the moment," he assured.

What will be the victory: the borders of 1991 or 2022

As the active phase of the war continues, it is difficult to discuss this. Under no circumstances can the territories occupied by Russia be recognized. "And this is one of the toughest challenges. Because everyone understands what Putin has done, by writing some of our territories into the constitution. It's a serious problem. He simply stole them," he said.

Ukrainian borders are enshrined in our Constitution and international documents. "It may happen in different ways. But as long as Ukraine does not legally recognize even one temporarily occupied village as Russian, it will remain Ukrainian," Zelenskyy emphasized.