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Wagnerians trained Hamas terrorists for attack on Israel - Resistance Center of Ukraine reports

Wagnerians trained Hamas terrorists for attack on Israel - Resistance Center of Ukraine reports Wagner's fighters preparing Hamas terrorists for an attack on Israel (Photo: Getty Images)

Part of the Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) fighters who left Belarus in the direction of African countries have been involved in training and transferring combat experience to Hamas terrorists, the National Resistance Center of Ukraine reported.

The critical training areas for Hamas militants included storming operations and using small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to drop explosive materials.

The National Resistance Center adds that among the allies of Hamas, only Russians have experience using UAVs with dropping mechanisms. These mercenaries passed on their expertise to the militants during training in African countries.

Hamas attack on Israel

On October 7, Hamas militants infiltrated Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip. Initially, they managed to capture several settlements, but by evening, Israeli forces regained control of most of the territory and struck military targets and the Hamas headquarters in response.

Israel declared a "state of war" and the beginning of the counter-terrorism Operation Iron Swords.

Today, the IDF announced that Israel has regained control of all areas, but Hamas militants may still be on the territory.

Additionally, it is mentioned that Russia is interested in the global destabilization of the situation in the Middle East. In particular, it has been established that Hamas terrorists use export variants of weapons of Russian production.