ua en ru

Volunteer wounded during Russian shelling in Kherson

Volunteer wounded during Russian shelling in Kherson Photo: A volunteer was wounded due to the shelling of Kherson on November 18 (illustration/Getty Images)

The Russian army continues its ruthless shelling of Kherson. During the attack on November 18, a volunteer was wounded. This was reported by the head of the Kherson Regional Military Administration, Oleksandr Prokudin.

"Due to the Russian shelling of Kherson, a volunteer was affected," he said.

According to Prokudin, a 42-year-old man was injured while under enemy fire in his own car.

"The victim was taken to the hospital with explosive injuries and shrapnel wounds," added the head of the Regional Military Administration.

Shelling of volunteers in Ukraine

Russian forces have repeatedly shelled volunteers in Ukraine. In just the past few months, there have been several such incidents. For example, on November 16, a volunteer came under fire in the Chernihiv region, suffering shrapnel wounds.

Moreover, not only Ukrainian volunteers but also foreigners fall under shelling. In early October, occupiers shelled a convoy of Estonian organizations providing assistance to Ukraine, resulting in the destruction of the volunteers' equipment. Additionally, foreign volunteers came under enemy artillery fire near Chasiv Yar in the Donetsk region in September. One of them lost his life, and another is missing.