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Victory plan to be presented to Ukrainians in nearest days

Victory plan to be presented to Ukrainians in nearest days Advisor to the Head of the Presidential Office Mykhailo Podolyak (photo: Getty Images)

Ukraine's victory plan has already been presented in the United States and several European capitals. In the coming days, it will be presented to Ukrainians, states Advisor to the Head of the Presidential Office Mykhailo Podolyak.

“As for a broader presentation for Ukraine, I think it is a matter of days. Why? Because it is important. Because it is important to understand what stage of the war we are at, and what we are doing. I think that the president (Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy - ed.) will make this presentation quite effectively here,” the spokesman said.

He explained that despite the fact that the main accents are already clear, the president will add details that will clearly state what kind of coercion program it is and why it is important.

“I think the president will make such a presentation in the coming days,” - he emphasized.

At the same time, Podolyak reminded that the main directions of the victory plan have already been presented to the partners.

“Everything related to political coercion, diplomatic, economic, military. It is clear that the details and mathematical applications will be with the partners... Those who make direct decisions on the provision of these weapons, for example, whether to grant certain legal permits or formalize legal components,” said the advisor to the head of the Presidential Administration.

Ukraine's victory plan

Ukraine has developed a victory plan that envisages a series of steps by partner states to ensure that Ukraine has a strong position during any negotiations with Russia, including the upcoming Peace Summit.

At the end of September, Zelenskyy presented the victory plan to US President Joe Biden and US presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

At the same time, Zelenskyy visited four European capitals this week and participated in a summit with the Balkan countries. At these meetings, he also presented his victory plan.

Today, Zelenskyy announced the results of his visits to four European capitals.