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Vegan diet improves heart health: Scientific study

Vegan diet improves heart health: Scientific study Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

Scientists at Stanford University in California, USA, conducted a study to determine whether vegan diet benefits the heart and cardiovascular system. The experiment involved 22 pairs of twins, with one adhering to a regular diet and the other following a vegan diet, according to the British news platform Express.

The researchers found that previous conclusions indicating that consuming less meat improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system held true. Other factors such as genetics and the environment lead to variations.

Since the experiment involved identical twins, the genetic factor was eliminated. However, the results remained consistent: a vegan diet improves cardiovascular health. Moreover, participants in the study noticed significant improvements in their health within just one month, and after two months, the indicators became much better.

Vegans also observed improvements in fasting insulin levels, reducing the risk of diabetes development. Those who were overweight experienced weight loss.

As a result, the researchers concluded that transitioning to a meat-free diet would be beneficial for everyone interested.

What is veganism

A vegan diet is a way of eating that excludes all animal-derived products from the diet. In other words, the foundation of vegans' nutrition consists of plant-based foods.

Veganism has various forms:

  • Vegans who avoid all animal products in their diet.
  • Vegans who consume whole foods.
  • Vegans who eat processed vegan products, such as plant-based burgers, non-dairy ice cream, vegan cheese, etc.
  • Raw vegans consume products made at temperatures below 48 degrees Celsius.
  • Low-fat raw vegans eat products with low-fat content.

Therefore, vegans abstain from consuming meat entirely and may partially refrain from eggs, dairy products, and fish. However, they unequivocally consume vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, soy products, whole grains, and other plant-based foods.

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