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USA, Lithuania's cyber forces concluded a two-month operation related to Russian hackers

USA, Lithuania's cyber forces concluded a two-month operation related to Russian hackers The cyberforces of the USA and Lithuania conducted a 'defensive hunting' operation (photo:

The cyberforces of the United States, in collaboration with Lithuanian cybersecurity teams, have completed a two-month-long cyber operation of "defensive hunting," according to Voice of America.

The U.S. Cyber Command has announced the completion of a two-month-long 'defensive hunting' operation in Lithuania, conducted amid concerns about potential cyber threats from Russia and other adversaries.

It is claimed that neither American nor Lithuanian officials wished to specify the nature of the threat. However, last year, Vilnius experienced a series of DDoS attacks attributed to the Russian hacker group Killnet.

A representative from the National Cyber Group stated that the objective of the operation was to search for malicious cyber activity within the networks of the Lithuanian Vice Minister of the Interior.

"The war in Ukraine has shown that cyberattacks are a powerful tool of modern warfare, so it is extremely important to be prepared and to ensure the security of our networks," said Lithuanian Vice Minister of the Interior Arnoldas Abramavičius.

Russian cyberattacks

On September 6, it was revealed that hacker groups supported by the Russian Federation successfully compromised three email accounts of the Lithuanian Vice Minister of the Interior.

Additionally, the Russian hacker group NoName057(16) disrupted the operation of the Bulgarian Parliament's website with the assistance of Sofia, Ukraine.