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US still discussing with Ukraine US weapons strikes on Russia, - White House

US still discussing with Ukraine US weapons strikes on Russia, - White House Photo: John Kirby, National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The US is negotiating with Ukraine on the use of American weapons for strikes on Russian territory. For now, the restrictions remain unchanged, stated John Kirby, National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications.

Amid rumors about the use of HIMARS in the Kursk region, Kirby was asked to comment on whether the US has expanded Ukraine's ability to use American weapons for strikes on Russia.

He noted that he could not confirm reports about HIMARS strikes on targets in the Kursk region.

"I can tell you that there’s been no change to the guidance that we’ve given the Ukrainians about where and how they can use U.S. weapons to defend themselves just across the border," added Kirby.

He stated that the US engages in daily dialogues with Ukraine about the actions of its armed forces on the front lines.

He reminded that Ukrainian troops are allowed to use American weapons for strikes within Russian territory "to deal with imminent threats".

"But we’re still having conversations with them. I have no policy leanings one way or another to speak to today, and certainly no new policy decisions that have been made," the official emphasized.

What preceded it

The US prohibits Ukraine from using the long-range ATACMS missiles provided to strike targets within Russia. These missiles have a range of up to 300 kilometers.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has urged Washington to allow Ukraine to use ATACMS missiles against Russian military airfields, but this has not yet occurred.

American officials frequently state that there have been no changes in US policy regarding Ukrainian strikes on Russia using the provided weapons.

However, there is a possibility that the Ukrainian operation in the Kursk region will change this position of the United States, as Washington may no longer have the same concerns about escalation. Read more about this in the material by RBC-Ukraine.