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US State Department concerned over Russia and DPRK increased cooperation

US State Department concerned over Russia and DPRK increased cooperation US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

The United States is concerned about the deepening dialogue between the Russian Federation and North Korea, particularly in the military sphere, according to US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller.

"We continue to be incredibly concerned by the expanding security relationship between North Korea and Russia," he said.

Moreover, the US foreign affairs representative clarified that the concerns involve the support that the Russian Federation continues to receive from North Korea, which it uses in its ongoing war against Ukraine.

Miller also added that there are additional concerns about the prospects of Moscow assisting Pyongyang, which could ultimately destabilize the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

North Korean arms supplies to Russia

About a week ago, The New York Times reported that Russia had received new deliveries of ballistic missiles from North Korea, specifically short-range Hwasong-11 missiles.

The NYT wrote that the aggressor country, the Russian Federation, used them for strikes on Kyiv this summer.

Additionally, at the 20th Yalta European Strategy (YES) meeting, the head of Ukraine's Military Intelligence Directorate, Kyrylo Budanov, said that Russia's supply of artillery shells from North Korea is causing serious problems for Ukraine's Armed Forces on the frontlines. Furthermore, an escalation in combat activity has been observed after these deliveries.