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US Senate bans imports of Russian uranium: Document submitted for Biden's signature

US Senate bans imports of Russian uranium: Document submitted for Biden's signature Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

The United States Senate unanimously voted to pass a bill banning the import of enriched uranium from Russia. Following this decision, the document was sent to the White House for President Joe Biden's signature, according to Bloomberg.

The restrictions on the import of Russian uranium aim to support efforts in the United States to block Kremlin fuel shipments for reactors.

The bill banning the import of Russian uranium imposes a ban on imports from the US 90 days after it takes effect. The initiative includes provisions for temporary exemptions from the ban until January 2028.

For this initiative to become law, Biden must sign the document.

Russian uranium in the US

According to data from the US Department of Energy, Russia supplied nearly a quarter of the enriched uranium used for fuel in American fleets from over 90 commercial reactors, making it the number one foreign supplier to the States.

These sales bring in approximately $1 billion annually for Russia. However, replacing these supplies is expected to pose a challenge and risks raising the cost of enriched uranium by approximately 20%.

Calls for ban on Russian imports

Earlier, the White House called for a long-term ban on Russian imports, necessary to unlock around $2.7 billion to support the domestic uranium industry, as provided by Congress earlier this year.

Thus, in December of last year, a bill was passed in the House of Representatives amidst growing support in Congress to cut off Russian imports following its extensive military aggression against Ukraine.

The US has already banned the import of Russian oil and has collaborated with allies in the G7 to impose restrictions on prices for the maritime export of crude and petroleum products.

It was reported yesterday that the Biden administration was considering banning the import of enriched Russian uranium through administrative means until Congress passes the appropriate legislation.