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US to announce 'fresh news' on sending Patriots to Ukraine at NATO summit

US to announce 'fresh news' on sending Patriots to Ukraine at NATO summit Patriot air defense system (Getty Images)

Ukraine will receive good news on the supply of air defense systems, including Patriot, at the NATO summit in Washington, according to US Ambassador to NATO Julianne Smith, reports Voice of America.

"There will be fresh news on air defense. Ukrainians asked NATO for seven Patriot systems in April. And we have a very positive response, which will come in the nearest future," Smith said.

She noted that "it's going to be a big week in Washington". She urged to follow specific announcements that will be coming for Ukraine, for NATO allies, and news about defense production, resilience, and cybersecurity.

NATO summit

The NATO summit will be held in Washington on July 9-11. The summit communiqué is expected to describe Ukraine's path to NATO as irreversible.

According to CNN, the White House supports using the word "irreversible" in the final communiqué, as long as the document also confirms that Ukraine's work on democratic reforms must continue.

Washington also announced new important statements on increasing NATO's military, political, and financial support for Ukraine.