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US Deputy Secretary of Commerce on supporting Ukraine: It’s more than just right thing to do

US Deputy Secretary of Commerce on supporting Ukraine: It’s more than just right thing to do Photo: Marisa Lago, Deputy Secretary of Commerce (flickr by tracy collins)

Supporting Ukraine in its war with Russia is not just the right decision, but an investment in democratic values and security, stated US Deputy Secretary of Commerce Marisa Lago during her visit to Kyiv.

She emphasized that the US continues to mobilize a broad coalition of allies and partners to provide military and economic assistance to Ukraine.

She noted that the United States has provided $82 billion in aid to Ukraine since the beginning of this brutal war. Lago believes that supporting Ukraine is more than just the right thing to do, it is an investment in transatlantic security and democratic values.

US support for Ukraine

The US is Ukraine's most significant ally in the war against Russia. It has provided the largest amount of weapons among all partners for defense.

This includes long-range ATACMS missiles, HIMARS systems, Abrams tanks, and other armaments.

Recently, it was reported that the Pentagon identified errors in the accounting of the value of arms provided to Ukraine, amounting to $2 billion.