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US delays response to UK request on Storm shadow missile use by Ukraine against Russia

US delays response to UK request on Storm shadow missile use by Ukraine against Russia Illustrative photo: US does not allow Ukraine to strike Russia with Storm Shadow missiles (Getty Images)

The United States has not responded for over a month to the UK's request to allow Ukrainian forces to use Storm Shadow missiles against Russian territory, according to The Times.

The agency notes that the UK seeks to reach a consensus with several other allies to permit Ukraine to strike Russian territory with Storm Shadow missiles. Over a month ago, a corresponding request was sent to the United States, but no response has been received.

According to a source in the фпутсн, the issue is "stuck in their (American) system." Another British government source told reporters that discussions about Storm Shadow with allies are ongoing. Yet another source called the delay "routine US process."

An unnamed British government official told The Times that the UK does not blame the US for the delay. He explained that such policy changes take time.

Matthew Palmer, Acting US Chargé d'Affaires in the UK, assured The Times in an interview that Ukrainian strikes on Russian territory do not require US approval. The decision rests solely with London.

Meanwhile, British military officials suggest that the US is "buying time" to assess the consequences of the Ukrainian operation on Russian territory before making a decision.


Ukraine has been receiving long-range missiles from the UK, France, and the U.S. These countries have set conditions that this weaponry should not be used for long-range strikes on Russian territory.

However, after the start of Ukraine's operation in the Kursk region, experts speculate that the situation might change. More details about this are in the RBC-Ukraine article.