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US announces new sanctions package against Russia

US announces new sanctions package against Russia Photo: Janet Yellen, US Treasury Secretary (GettyImagеs)

The administration of US President Joe Biden is preparing a new package of sanctions against Russia, aimed at restricting military-related goods, said US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.

The US will “unveil strong new sanctions targeting those facilitating the Kremlin’s war machine, including intermediaries in third countries that are supplying Russia with critical inputs for its military,” Yellen stated.

According to her, the sanctions will be announced next week. They will be the latest in a series of measures aimed at combating the trade in critical technologies that Russian military forces have used during the invasion of Ukraine.

She noted that most exports of such dual-use goods directly to Russia are currently prohibited, but Russians have started purchasing them through third countries. Specifically, supplies are happening through India, Malaysia, and Thailand.

Bloomberg reports that the sanctions will target intermediaries in countries of concern. The US will also take additional measures aimed at Russia's energy sector and banks.

US sanctions against Russia

In August, the US expanded sanctions against Russia, affecting the defense and metallurgical sectors, as well as the supply of dual-use goods.

At that time, the US Treasury Department and State Department introduced a new package of sanctions targeting nearly 400 individuals and entities both in Russia and abroad, including in Asia and Europe. The restrictions affected Russian metal products.

In September, the US further expanded sanctions against the Russian Federation, addressing virtual financial transactions.