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US and Israel brace for possible Iranian strike on Monday: Media

US and Israel brace for possible Iranian strike on Monday: Media Photo: Iranian Zolfaghar missiles (Getty Images)

US and Israeli officials anticipate that Iran may launch an attack on Israeli territory as early as Monday, August 5, according to Axios.

The article notes that US Central Command Chief General Michael Kurilla has arrived in the Middle East.

The general's visit to the region was planned before the escalation of tensions between Israel, Iran, and Hezbollah. However, it is expected that he will use this trip to try to mobilize the same international and regional coalition that helped protect Israel from an Iranian attack on April 13.

Axios reminds us that Iran and Hezbollah leaders have vowed retaliation for the killings of Hezbollah’s top military commander Fuad Shukr and Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh. Iran and the Palestinian movement blame Israel for these actions, but the Israeli government has neither confirmed nor denied involvement in the killings.

Meanwhile, the US is increasing its military presence in the Middle East in preparation for a possible Iranian attack on Israel, sending more naval ships and fighter jets to the region.

American officials expect Iran’s response to follow the same pattern as the attack on Israel on April 13. However, it may be on a larger scale and could also involve Hezbollah in Lebanon.

It is worth noting that last night Hezbollah launched a massive rocket attack on northern Israel from Lebanese territory. According to local media, the terrorist organization fired 50 rockets. Numerous interceptions by the Iron Dome were recorded over Israel.

Additionally, Sky News Arabia has reported that Iran plans to carry out an attack on Israel on August 12-13, coinciding with the Jewish day of mourning.