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UN complains about fuel shortage for its mission in Gaza: Israel offers borrowing fuel from Hamas

UN complains about fuel shortage for its mission in Gaza: Israel offers borrowing fuel from Hamas Illustrative photo (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) has reported a fuel shortage in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli military has offered to lend fuel to Hamas militants, according to the Israeli army's Twitter.

Previously, the UNRWA agency announced that if it didn't receive fuel in the coming days, it would be forced to halt its operations in the Gaza Strip as early as October 25.

In response to this, the Israel Defense Forces' press service published a satellite photograph of one of the areas in the Gaza Strip, showing fuel tanks.

"These fuel tanks are inside Gaza. They contain more than 500,000 liters of fuel. Ask Hamas if you can have some," reads the commentary on the photograph.

Hamas attack on Israel

On October 7, Hamas terrorists invaded Israeli territory. The militants killed and kidnapped both military personnel and civilians, including foreigners who found themselves in the midst of the hostilities.

In response, the Israel Defense Forces launched an operation against the militants and cleared Israeli territory of them.

It is expected that this operation will involve the deployment of troops into the Gaza Strip, but this ground operation is currently being delayed. In the meantime, Israeli forces are continuously conducting airstrikes on Hamas positions in Gaza.