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Ukrainian Defense Minister discusses security in Black Sea and grain deal in Türkiye

Ukrainian Defense Minister discusses security in Black Sea and grain deal in Türkiye Photo: Ukraine's Defense Minister Rustem Umerov (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov visited Türkiye. In Ankara, he discussed security in the Black Sea, according to Cumhuriyet.

The Turkish Defense Ministry spokesperson said that Umerov had met with representatives of the Turkish ministry.

According to the spokesman, during the meeting, Turkish representatives expressed support for Ukraine's independence and territorial integrity. Security in the Black Sea was also discussed.

“We will continue to implement it uncompromisingly (the Montreux Convention) and our efforts to renew the Black Sea Grain Initiative have been expressed,” the spokesman said.

Türkiye's attitude to the war in Ukraine

Türkiye declares neutrality in Russia's war against Ukraine. In the first weeks of the full-scale war, negotiations between Russia and Ukraine took place in Istanbul. But they did not give any results. Ankara also participated in the creation of the “grain corridor”.

Recently, the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs said that alternative ways should be sought to end the war in Ukraine.

At the same time, Türkiye is strengthening economic cooperation with Russia. Politico has revealed a scheme of Ankara aiding Russia in selling oil to the EU.