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Ukrainian State Transport Special Service receives equipment from US for demining

Ukrainian State Transport Special Service receives equipment from US for demining Demining service vehicle and worker (photo: Getty Images)

The US has transferred demining vehicles and other equipment to the State Special Transport Service (SSTS) of Ukraine, according to the website of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

American company Tetra Tech, executing one of the international technical assistance projects funded by the governments of the US and Canada in Ukraine, has transferred to the State Special Transport Service (SSTS) four GCS-100 demining vehicles with accompanying equipment sets, tractor units for transporting these vehicles, JCB excavators, and minibuses for personnel. The total value of the purchased equipment amounted to over $5.8 million.

First Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Oleksii Sobolev, who participated in the equipment handover, emphasized that humanitarian demining is crucial for the country's recovery.

In addition to machinery and equipment, Tetra Tech provided the State Special Transport Service with sets of personal protective equipment for sappers working with demining vehicles. Specialists from SSTS who will operate this equipment have been trained at the Tetra Tech school operating in Ukraine.

Part of the equipment procured by the partners is manufactured in Ukraine, including personal protective gear, mounts for transporting demining vehicles, and excavator armor.

US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink noted that overall, the US has provided Ukraine with $180 million in humanitarian demining assistance, marking the largest aid commitment the US has made to any country for mine action.

The Cabinet of Ministers' website also highlighted that the US is a key partner of Ukraine in mine action. Their funding for mine action projects since the beginning of the full-scale invasion totals over $210 million, covering both completed and forthcoming projects.

A significant portion of US funds is directed towards enhancing Ukraine's capacity in mine action.