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Ukrainian soldiers strike 2 Russian air defense systems at Orikhiv and Pokrovsk sectors

Ukrainian soldiers strike 2 Russian air defense systems at Orikhiv and Pokrovsk sectors Illustrative image (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukrainian Defense Forces struck 2 Russian air defense systems in the areas of Ukrainka and Pokrovsk. In particular, cars, drones, and other vehicles were hit, according to Dmytro Lykhovii, spokesperson for the Tavria operational and strategic group of troops.

“I would like to highlight the destruction of 2 Russian air defense systems. These are one Buk anti-aircraft missile system near Ukrainka in the Orikhiv sector and a 23-2 anti-aircraft system near Pokrovske,” says Lykhovii.

In particular, the Ukrainian Defense Forces destroyed:

  • 15 vehicles;
  • 4 unmanned aerial vehicles.

The statistics on the destruction of Russian reconnaissance FPV drones by Ukrainian UAVs are also growing.

“Yesterday there were 4 such defeats in our operational area,” he adds.

Buk and 23-2

The Buk air defense system is a Soviet and Russian medium-range air defense system designed to intercept and destroy aerodynamic targets such as airplanes, helicopters, and cruise missiles, and to combat tactical ballistic missiles. The system has several modifications, including the Buk-M1, Buk-M2, and Buk-M3, each with improved radar detection and target engagement characteristics.

The ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft gun is a Soviet double-barreled automatic anti-aircraft gun of 23 mm caliber designed to engage low-flying air targets. It can operate in both stationary and mobile modes, being mounted on various platforms, which allows it to be used in different combat conditions.

Russia's losses in war against Ukraine

Over the past day, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Defense Forces eliminated another 1,270 Russian troops and destroyed 11 tanks, 17 armored combat vehicles, and more.