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Ukrainian school classes in metro: Format of children's education in Kharkiv determined

Ukrainian school classes in metro: Format of children's education in Kharkiv determined Ihor Terekhov (Photo: wikipedia org)
Author: Daria Shekina

In Kharkiv, schooling for schoolchildren will take place in a remote format, but if desired, children will have the opportunity to attend classes in person in the metro, according to a statement from the Mayor of Kharkiv, Ihor Terekhov.

"I met with Kharkiv parents and educators who expressed a desire to discuss the details of the educational process in all districts of the city. Through dialogue, we have adjusted the future concept of learning, taking into account the times and realities we are living in," the statement reads.

Formats of learning in Kharkiv

General secondary education institutions will start the academic year in a remote mode, as planned.

"Alongside this, an offline format will operate, according to which children will attend classes in person several times a week in safe premises within the metro," said the Mayor.

How it will work

As of yesterday, 60 such classes have been formed in Kharkiv for 1003 children.

According to Terekhov, there are still a few days left until September 1st, so work in this direction is ongoing.

Safety in Ukrainian schools

Students and teachers are required to take cover during air alarms. However, not all educational institutions are equipped with shelters. Due to this, in frontline areas, students do not physically attend schools; learning continues in an online format.

At the same time, the Ministry of Education advocates for resuming offline classes provided safe conditions for children and teachers are ensured.

Recently, the head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, Oleh Syniehubov, announced that Kharkiv has decided to allow offline learning in educational institutions if shelters are available.