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Ukrainian Prime Minister about the heating season: Winter will be difficult

Ukrainian Prime Minister about the heating season: Winter will be difficult Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal (Photo: RBC-Ukraine, Vitalii Nosach)

Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denys Shmyhal, stated that Ukraine has started the maximum preparation for the upcoming heating season. The country is expecting a challenging winter.

"We discussed the heating season with the Prime Minister of Finland, assistance to our energy system, and Ukraine's recovery. We will strengthen cooperation in this direction because the winter will also be difficult. We are preparing to the maximum," the Prime Minister said.

According to Shmyhal, over 13 billion cubic meters of gas have already been injected. Repair and restoration work on energy facilities are also ongoing.

Massive Russian shelling during winter

This winter, Russian-backed terrorists engaged in massive shelling of Ukraine's energy system. This led "Ukrenergo" to implement emergency and planned electricity outages. The first shutdowns, for instance, occurred when there was a need to balance the energy system for greater capacity.

Current situation

According to the Minister of Community Development, Territories, and Infrastructure of Ukraine, Oleksandr Kubrakov, Ukraine continues to prepare for the heating season. Full readiness is expected by October 1.

"As of August 15, we have over 70% readiness of housing and utility infrastructure objects," Kubrakov stated, adding that planned work on preparing residential buildings, networks, boiler houses, and generating equipment is ongoing.