Ukrainian President's Office advises on boosting sanctions against Russia

One of the priorities remains unchanged - it is necessary to completely deprive Russia of financial capabilities to fund the war against Ukraine, according to the advisor to the head of the President's Office, Mykhailo Podoliak on Twitter.
How to increase the effectiveness of sanctions:
- Analyze the effectiveness of restrictions and ways to circumvent them.
- Develop a special legal status for Russia, opening the path to combat "secondary" sanctions and private companies that allow the terrorist country to bypass crucial sectoral limitations.
- Impose restrictions on companies in Europe and the United States operating in the Russian consumer market and being major contributors to the tax budget of the terrorist country.
"Reminder: over 40% of the Russian budget is allocated for the purchase of military equipment and mobilization," writes Podoliak.
- Confiscate Russian frozen assets in full. This will significantly improve the financing situation for Ukraine support programs and expedite investments in joint military production.
"The main point: force Russia to pay the maximum price for the war 'here and now,' simultaneously reducing its ability to buy military and dual-use goods on the world market with a corrupt premium," added the advisor to the head of the President's Office.
EU sanctions against Russia
The European Union recently implemented a new, 12th package of sanctions against the Russian Federation. As European diplomatic chief Josep Borrell explained, the package proposes a "powerful set of new lists and economic measures that will further weaken the Russian military machine."
Included in the sanctions list are measures such as:
- Restrictive measures on the import or transport of Russian diamonds.
- A significant number of individuals and legal entities.
- And more.