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Ukrainian paratroopers released video of repelling massive Russian assault near Kostiantynivka

Ukrainian paratroopers released video of repelling massive Russian assault near Kostiantynivka Soldier of the 79th Air Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (photo:

Ukrainian defenders in the Kurakhove direction near the village of Kostiantynivka in the Donetsk region repelled a massive assault by Russian forces. During the attempted breakthrough, the enemy used 20 units of equipment, according to the Telegram channel of the 79th Separate Air Assault Brigade.

It is noted that the invaders attempted to breach the defenses of the 79th Separate Air Assault Brigade in the area, but their hopes proved futile.

In total, the enemy deployed 14 armored vehicles with infantry and 6 tanks for the attack near Kostiantynivka.

"The Russian army failed to achieve surprise - the paratroopers of the 79th Brigade opened fire on enemy columns before they could advance to the attack line," the Tavriya Brigade reported.

To target enemy forces and assets, artillery, strike drones, anti-tank missile systems, and minefields were employed to hinder the enemy's movement.

"During the battle, our troops destroyed 2 enemy tanks and 2 armored vehicles carrying troops. Another tank was damaged, while the remaining equipment made a disgraceful retreat," the 79th Brigade stated.

Additionally, the Tavria paratroopers noted that operators of strike drones conducted a spectacular safari on the retreating enemy infantry.

It was reported that on September 21, the Ukrainian Air Assault Forces showcased how Ukrainian defenders repelled a massive attack by Russian forces that lasted a full day. During this time, 24 breakthrough attempts were recorded, with the occupiers deploying 52 units of equipment from various directions.

Additionally, analysts from the US Institute for the Study of War (ISW) clarified in a report yesterday that this mechanized assault was carried out by the Russians near Maksymilianivka on September 19.