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Ukrainian National Guard troops destroyed Russian observation complex Murom

Ukrainian National Guard troops destroyed Russian observation complex Murom Long-range video thermal imaging observation complex Murom-M

Fighters of the National Guard of Ukraine destroyed the Russian long-range video thermal imaging observation complex Murom, according to the commander of the National Guard, Oleksandr Pivnenko.

"High-quality work in detecting and hitting targets by the air reconnaissance unit of the 11th Brigade named after Mykhailo Hrushevskyi. Another valuable long-range video thermal imaging observation complex Murom has been destroyed," the commander informed.

Russia's losses in Ukraine

Over the past day, Russian invaders have lost 810 servicemen. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have eliminated about 431,550 Russians.

In particular, Ukrainian forces with Javelins recently destroyed a column of occupiers advancing for an assault in the Zaporizhzhia region.

Meanwhile, fighters of the 46th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces successfully repelled a Russian assault near Maryinka in the Donetsk region.