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Ukrainian National Guard thwart Russian attempt to establish observation post on Kharkiv front

Ukrainian National Guard thwart Russian attempt to establish observation post on Kharkiv front Photo: The National Guard prevented Russia from setting up an observation post in the Kharkiv sector (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

National Guard special forces prevented the Russian occupiers from setting up an observation post in the Kharkiv direction, according to the Omega Special Forces Center of the National Guard.

"In the Kharkiv direction Russia is trying to put pressure, but the fighters of the Omega Special Forces Center continue to inflict losses on the enemy with professional actions," the statement said.

The Russians' attempt to set up an observation post was unsuccessful, as the Ukrainian Special Forces quickly identified the position and inflicted fire on the FPV drone.

Russia engages infantry

In addition, the fighters of the Omega National Guard special forces unit note that over the past few days, Russia has been engaging infantry groups whose task is to gain a foothold near settlements in the north of the Kharkiv region.

The Russians are trying to bring in their personnel and ammunition in small vehicles. Over the past day, the Ukrainian National Guard destroyed one golf cart with ammunition and two Russian occupants' warehouses.

Situation in Kharkiv direction

In some areas near Lukianets and Vovchansk in the Kharkiv region, where the Russian occupants' offensive continues, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have moved to more favorable positions.

In particular, the Russian Federation is luring migrants and its citizens to the front to fight against Ukraine by promising fake employment opportunities.