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Ukrainian National Guard fighters reclaim and clear occupied trenches in south: Video

Ukrainian National Guard fighters reclaim and clear occupied trenches in south: Video Illustrative photo (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

National Guard fighters repelled and cleared the trenches of Russian occupiers. This occurred on the southern front, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs on Telegram.

The video captures the work of the fighters from the "Kara-Dag" Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine. The defenders successfully stormed and cleared the enemy's trenches in the south of Ukraine.

"Under heavy enemy fire and in conditions of mined terrain, our assault groups continue their gradual advance, pushing the occupiers out of Ukrainian territory," said National Guard Commander Oleksandr Pivnenko.

Ukrainian forces launched an offensive in the Melitopol and Berdyansk directions this summer. The Ukrainian Armed Forces successfully liberated several populated areas in the Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk regions. The most recent liberated populated areas were Staromaiorske, Urozhaine, and Robotyne.

Furthermore, some Western media outlets reported that Ukrainian troops breached the first line of Russian defenses in the south, and they will need to advance further to penetrate the second line of defense.

More details about enemy defensive lines and how Ukrainian forces are breaking through can be found in the RBC-Ukraine material.