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Ukrainian intelligence unveils exclusive footage of liberating Tavryda platform in Black Sea

Ukrainian intelligence unveils exclusive footage of liberating Tavryda platform in Black Sea Photo: the DIU showed unique footage of a special operation to liberate the Black Sea platform Tavrida (screenshot)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine showed unique footage from the soldiers' body cameras and told in detail about the liberation of the Tavryda Black Sea platform during the operation of Boyko Towers, according to the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine.

The liberation of the Black Sea platform Tavryda was not successful on the first attempt. In the end, the special forces managed to get important trophies and intelligence there.

In particular, not only technical means were used during the operation, but also the personal skills of the fighters.

"There were two huge problems - the presence of engineering barriers and enemy aircraft," says Bob, a DIU officer who developed the mission plan and participated in its implementation.

According to the scout, they had three starting points from which they could depart for this task.

"These points were constantly changing so that the enemy could not accurately identify the place where we start," the scout adds.

Details of the special operation and unique footage of the liberation of the Black Sea platform Tavryda are available here.

Boyko Towers

The Boyko Towers are gas and oil drilling platforms off the coast of Crimea in the Black Sea. They were named after a 2011 article by Oleksii ShalayskyI and Yurii Nikolov, "A Tower for Boyko," which reported on the purchase of the platforms at inflated prices by the Ministry of Energy headed by Yurii Boyko.

Russia seized them in 2014 and used them for military purposes after the start of the full-scale invasion. In particular, as helicopter landing sites and for deploying radar assets.

According to UK intelligence, Boyko Towers in the Black Sea are strategic facilities.

In September 2023, Ukraine regained control of the so-called Boyko Towers in the Black Sea. Military intelligence called the special operation another slap in the face to the enemy.