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Ukrainian intelligence reaches out Ukrainians on the occupied territories with important request

Ukrainian intelligence reaches out Ukrainians on the occupied territories with important request Ukrainian intelligence reaches out Ukrainians on the occupied territories with important request (Photo: Getty Images)

According to the Ukrainian intelligence press service, Ukrainians who have remained in the temporarily occupied territories are urged, on the eve of the occupiers' staged pseudo-elections, to report collaborators and provide testimony of falsifications in the fake voting.

Russian intelligence agencies are preparing for pseudo-elections on the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine in September 2023. They aim to legitimize the occupation and war crimes committed by the Russian army.

"All those involved in the illegal conduct of the elections will be held accountable in accordance with Ukrainian law and international norms, as has been done previously with traitors and collaborators," emphasized the intelligence agency.

Considering this, Ukrainians residing in the temporarily occupied territories are urged to continue providing information about the pseudo-elections.

The provided information should include:

  • Collaborators among local residents and their handlers from Russia (personal information, addresses, vehicle numbers, phone numbers).
  • So-called deputies and representatives of the occupation administrations.
  • Evidence of falsifications and illegitimacy in the conduct of fake elections.

The provided information will contribute to the defeat of aggressors and aid in the identification of:

  • •Deployment points, personal and command staff addresses of Russian troops.
  • Storage sites for ammunition and fuel lubricants.
  • Locations for the storage, preservation, and repair of military equipment.
  • Locations of ECM and ECCM equipment (characteristic features: antennas and locators).
  • Headquarters and control points of the aggressors.
  • Sites for storage and standby of NBC protection equipment.

Information can be sent through the official bot.

"Elections" in the occupied territories

On September 10, elections of various levels will take place in Russia, including by-elections for members of the State Duma, elections of heads of several regions, and legislators. However, occupiers intend to carry out pseudo-voting on the occupied territories of Ukraine.

The British intelligence noted that Russia wants to present the occupied territories as its "integral parts" and therefore plans to organize fake "elections" on the same day as the elections in the aggressor country.

At the end of May, Russia made amendments to its law that now allow for "elections" to be conducted on the occupied territories.

The National Security Committee reported that Russians are already bringing in Kremlin "activists" to assist in the falsification of the "elections."