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Ukrainian intelligence launches cyberattack on Russian infrastructure, Lukoil among targets

Ukrainian intelligence launches cyberattack on Russian infrastructure, Lukoil among targets Photo: Hackers have launched a cyber attack on Russian infrastructure (

Ukraine's Defense Intelligence cyber specialists struck at Russian infrastructure, targeting Lukoil, the State Automobile Inspectorate, the Bank of Russia, and the authorities, according to RBC-Ukraine sources.

Cyber specialists of the DIU together with the BO Team downed the network infrastructure within Russia. Lukoil, the state traffic police, and the Bank of Russia were among the targets.

A total of 18 servers were destroyed beyond recovery, and the infrastructure of Antena LLC, which provides services to a large number of government agencies and commercial enterprises involved in supporting Russian aggression against Ukraine, was affected.

The configurations on 598 network switches (D-Link, Mikrotik, Ubiquti WiFi) of the main provider and 389 devices of the sub-provider, which provided access to the World Wide Web to all clients of the companies, were wiped.

As a result of the attack, the databases of all the provider's customers with names, phone numbers, addresses, and passport data were downloaded. According to the sources, these actions stopped the provision of Internet and digital television services in the Ivanovo region of Russia for more than 13 thousand users. Among them:

  • Special Service Polycor (fulfills the state defense order)
  • the traffic police
  • Teplosetevaya Company
  • OLRD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • Gorgaz
  • Rybnadzor
  • Kineshemskaya City Power Grid
  • UGH Administration
  • Lukoil
  • SvyazProektStroy
  • Rosincas of the Bank of Russia
  • MO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Kineshemskiy
  • Region-Auto
  • Gruz Service
  • Administration of Kineshma
  • Administration of the City Duma”
  • Head of the Control Accounts Commission
  • United Russia
  • Public reception of the United Russia
  • Railway station
  • Heating networks
  • Vodokanal
  • IE Kozlov D.V. Electronic city
  • Regioninfrasistema-Ivanovo LLC
  • Ivanovo SDEK LLC
  • FSB management
  • ProfGaz LLC

“The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine continues the process of systematic dismantling of the aggressor state's network infrastructure. Expect news while Russia still has a connection to the World Wide Web,” the intelligence source said.

Operations of Ukrainian hackers against Russia

Ukrainian hackers regularly strike at Russia. The attacks target payment systems or state-owned enterprises.

Earlier, correspondence between the chairman of the Russian parliament and President Vladimir Putin was intercepted. The latter suggested that after the election he would tighten control in the country and confrontation with Western countries.

RBC-Ukraine also reported on an attack on several companies in Russia that support the war.