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Ukrainian General Staff updates Russian losses: 570 occupants and more than a dozen tanks

Ukrainian General Staff updates Russian losses: 570 occupants and more than a dozen tanks Russia's losses in the war - the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 570 more occupants (Photo: RBC-Ukraine, Vitalii Nosach)

Over the past 24 hours, on September 1, Ukrainian soldiers killed another 570 Russian occupants. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the terrorist country Russia has lost about 264,060 personnel, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Total enemy combat losses from February 24, 2023, to August 26, 2023, are estimated to have amounted to:

  • Personnel: around 264,060 (+570) people were eliminated.
  • Tanks: 4,471 (+12) units.
  • Armored fighting vehicles: 8,637 (+24) units.
  • Artillery systems: 5,560 (+30) units.
  • Multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS): 736 (+1) units.
  • Anti-aircraft missile systems: 501 (+1) units.
  • Aircraft: 315 (+0) units.
  • Helicopters: 316 (+0) units.
  • Tactical unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs): 4,433 (+12) units.
  • Cruise missiles: 1,447 (+2) units.
  • Ships/boats: 18 (+0) units.
  • Military vehicles and tankers: 8,043 (+34) units.
  • Specialized equipment: 835 (+4) units.

What is the current situation on the front lines?

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) noted that Ukrainian forces continue their offensive operations and have advanced to the south of Bakhmut—meanwhile, Russian so-called "war correspondents" lament censorship by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

In particular, the Russian authorities are pursuing migrants who have recently acquired citizenship in the terrorist state to engage them in military service.