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Ukrainian forces continue advancing in Kursk region – ISW

Ukrainian forces continue advancing in Kursk region – ISW Illustrative photo (RBC-Ukraine, Vitalii Nosach)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

On Friday, August 23, Ukrainian forces continued to make slight advances near Sudzha amid ongoing operations in Russia's Kursk region, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

Geolocated footage published on August 22 shows that Ukrainian forces have recently advanced further into southern Russkaya Konopelka (east of Sudzha).

A Russian military blogger claimed that Ukrainian troops have also advanced north of Martynovka (northeast of Sudzha) along the Sudzha-Sukhodolovka R-200 highway.

Russian sources reported conflicting accounts of fighting east of Sudzha in the areas around Samoryadovo and Kozyrevka, but ISW noted that Ukrainian mobile groups might be operating in this area.

Some Russian bloggers claimed that Russian forces have recaptured Spalnoye and Krupets (both southeast of Sudzha), though the situation in this area remains unclear.

Russian bloggers also stated that Russian forces repelled a Ukrainian mechanized platoon-sized attack near Aleksandrovka (northeast of Korenevo) and regained positions west of Korenevo, suggesting that Ukrainian forces had recently been operating to the west of this settlement.

Просування українських сил у Курській області триває, - ISW

Photo: Ukrainian incursion into the Kursk region as of August 23 (ISW map)

According to the latest data, Ukraine controls 900-1,300 square kilometers of territory in the Kursk region.

Estonian intelligence reported that Russian units are currently establishing a defensive line along the Rylsk-Lgov-Kursk.

Sudzha has been under the control of Ukrainian forces for two weeks. What do locals think about the war, how do they view the Ukrainian Armed Forces and Vladimir Putin? Find out in RBC-Ukraine's report from Sudzha.