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Ukrainian Energy Minister denied rumors of disrupted talks with Russia on energy

Ukrainian Energy Minister denied rumors of disrupted talks with Russia on energy Minister of Energy of Ukraine Herman Halushchenko (photo: Getty Images)

Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko denied rumors of allegedly broken talks with Russia to suspend attacks on the energy sector.

Halushchenko says that Ukraine does not negotiate with terrorists, and there have been no negotiations through intermediaries.

“We are not negotiating with the terrorists, that's for sure, especially not behind the scenes. It is impossible... Of course, we did not conduct these negotiations with the Russians,” the minister emphasized.

At the same time, he said that on August 22, an online summit was held on the third point of the Peace Formula. It is about energy security. More than 40 countries and international organizations took part in the summit.

In particular, according to Halushchenko, the key position in this document is “no attacks on the energy system.”

“We have adopted a joint communiqué of the summit... The key position in this document is that apart from rebuilding Ukraine's energy system, there is no attack on the energy system. It clearly states that attacks on the civilian power system are a violation of international humanitarian law and a violation of the UN Charter. And everyone supported it,” the official said.

Halushchenko added that this document could be handed over to Russia, and a number of states could act as mediators in this process.