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Ukrainian Defense Intelligence conducted secret missions at Tendra Spit

Ukrainian Defense Intelligence conducted secret missions at Tendra Spit Photo: The DIU on the Tendra Spit performed covert missions (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Defense Intelligence of Ukraine on the Tendra Spit, in addition to the known operations, performed several covert missions. They are aimed at a long-term perspective, according to Ivan Tymochko, head of the Council of Reservists of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"It was stated that several secret tasks were performed there... The tasks that were assigned to the soldiers were supposed to give a long-term perspective. We understand that Russia does not control the Black Sea as much as it could have done a year ago. This is due to strikes on air defense systems located there and attacks on airfields," he notes.

The military emphasizes that strikes on Russian warships also played an important role.

Tymochko adds that such operations require thorough preliminary reconnaissance, which indicates the presence of a powerful Ukrainian agent network in Crimea.

"This means that we have a good agent network in Crimea. It makes it possible to know where there are blind spots in the Russian sea control system," he says.

Ukrainian Defense Intelligence conducted secret missions at Tendra Spitscreenshot

Defense Intelligence of Ukraine's operation

Recently, the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine reported that Ukrainian special forces conducted a special operation on Tendra Spit. Reconnaissance men landed on the spit and destroyed several units of Russia's equipment and fortifications.

In addition, the Russian troops suffered losses among their personnel. The DIU Special Forces completed the operation without losses. The scouts also noted that they had completed secret tasks.

The Tendra Spit is a small island in the northern part of the Black Sea, not far from Crimea and the coast of the Kherson region.