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Ukrainian Defense Forces stop another Russian subversive group's attempt to break through

Ukrainian Defense Forces stop another Russian subversive group's attempt to break through Ukrainian Armed Forces stop a Russian subversive group in Sumy region (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The Armed Forces of Ukraine stopped another attempt by Russian occupants to send a subversive reconnaissance group. The enemy tried to infiltrate the territory of Sumy region, reports the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The military command clarified that the enemy saboteurs wanted to break through near the village of Stara Huta.

"Our units stopped an attempt by an enemy subversive reconnaissance group near the village of Stara Huta, Sumy region," the General Staff said in a statement.

It is also noted that this village has been subjected to artillery and mortar shelling by the invaders during the current day.

The report indicates that the presence of Russian troops in the Siversk and Slobozhanske directions in the border areas is still recorded. The enemy is also conducting sabotage and reconnaissance activities.

Russian subversive reconnaissance groups

Earlier, in Sumy region, border guards together with the Defense Forces prevented three attempts by enemy subversive reconnaissance groups to penetrate deep into Ukraine. It happened on March 17.

According to the former commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Serhiy Naiev, the enemy keeps a group of 20,000 people in Russia, who are constantly conducting reconnaissance and shelling the border areas. In particular, they are actively building up engineering and fortification equipment in the area.

According to SBGS spokesperson Andrii Demchenko, the enemy continues to use saboteurs to try to enter our territory. Sumy region remains the most active area for subversive groups. However, cases of their exposure continue in Kharkiv and Chernihiv regions.

On March 14, SBGS spokesperson Andrii Demchenko said that the situation on the border with Belarus was fully controlled. At the same time, the threat from the Russian Federation remains.