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Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief reveals map of Ukrainian operation in Kursk region

Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief reveals map of Ukrainian operation in Kursk region Photo: Oleksandr Syrskyi (
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region have expanded their zone of control to 1,263 square kilometers, according to Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi.

According to him, the Russian army is actively responding to the actions of Ukrainian forces and increasing its troop numbers. Russia is also redeploying troops from other fronts.

The Commander-in-Chief also mentioned that Russia continues to shell settlements in the Sumy and Chernihiv regions. Additionally, provocations are occurring there, and the Russian forces are conducting reconnaissance and sabotage activities.

"The Defense Forces are conducting offensive defense in the Kursk direction. During the offensive in the Kursk region, the Armed Forces have advanced between 28 to 35 km into the enemy's defensive positions," Syrskyi said.

The Russian forces are trying to prevent further advancement of Ukrainian units deeper into Russian territory.

Syrskyi stated that the future actions of Ukrainian troops in this direction will depend on the development of the operational situation.

Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief reveals map of Ukrainian operation in Kursk region

Photo: map of the operation of Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kursk region (screenshot)

The Commander-in-Chief displayed a map showing the areas in the Kursk region controlled by Ukrainian forces. It indicates that the Ukrainian troops have advanced to Korenevka (still controlled by Russia) to the west, north of Sheptukhovka (now under Ukrainian control), and Spalnoye to the east (also under Ukrainian control).


Since August 6, Ukraine has been conducting an operation in the Kursk region and has taken control of dozens of settlements during this time. Thousands of Russian soldiers have been captured and are being added to the exchange pool.

One of the objectives of the operation is to protect residents of the Ukrainian border regions from Russian shelling and to create a buffer zone.

As a result of the Ukrainian advance, Russia has decided to establish military groupings Belgorod, Kursk, and Bryansk, supposedly to protect the territories from drone attacks and more.

For detailed information on the events in the Kursk region, read the material by RBC-Ukraine.